Building your own
We often hear that “the key to feeling confident about a comfortable retirement is an employer plan”, but what if you don’t have one? I thought to share this week’s article with you because it discusses how to build your own, and compares the various options, including a solo 401(k).
Did you know?
Did you know about the new Secure Act which allows you to wait longer before you have to start withdrawing money from your qualified retirement accounts, such as your 401(k) or IRA? I thought to share with you this week’s article because it explains that “the new age limit for
Is retirement good for health or bad for it?
I read an article this week that I thought to share with you as it expressed something I’ve been reflecting on. The author, connected with Harvard, wrote that “For many people, retirement is a key reward for decades of daily work—a time to relax, explore, and have fun unburdened by
Have you determined which is best for you?
You may have heard about annuities elsewhere, but we thought it useful to send you a link to a Yahoo Finance article that does what we think is a good job of explaining that “Fixed indexed annuities might be suitable for an investor who still wants to minimize risk but
A bigger contributor to retirement security?
I read an interesting “framing paper” written by two learned scholars from Brookings Institution and Kellogg School of Management. The question they addressed revolved around the change in what they called the “retirement paradigm”. I thought you might like to read their paper. They discuss “the risk faced by retirees
Optimism that Threatens
I thought to share with you this week’s article because it provided an abstract of a study done that concludes that “a disturbingly large number of investors think they are on a path toward a comfortable retirement, but they are unlikely to reach their destination due to their unrealistically optimistic
Convert Savings into Spending
The Brookings Institute recently published a study where they reported that “in a recent nationwide poll, 73 percent of Americans said they do not have the financial skills to manage their money in retirement. Converting retirement savings balances into a stream of retirement income creates difficult choices. The necessary decisions
Receive What You are Entitled to
This week’s article reminds us “given that an employee may have worked for several employers, who may have merged, sold their plans, or gone bankrupt, it is very difficult for the average person to know where to get help in finding out whether or not he or she is receiving
Some Differences to Reflect on
As you enter a new year thinking of the changes you will make in the months to come, I thought to share with you an article that discusses differences that may relate to decisions you will make in your retirement planning. This week’s article tells us “Both annuities and life
Holiday Season
During this holiday season it is important to take a moment and acknowledge that no matter where we are in our retirement planning, we are joined together with gratitude at celebrating the beginning of a new year. We remain committed to working with you planning a better retirement, where your
A Growth Vehicle plus Guaranteed Income
This week’s article discusses something we don’t always focus on when it comes to our retirement objectives; we want both growth and income. While for sure we don’t want to lose any of our initial investment in whatever product we choose, we still want it to grow. A fixed-index annuity
Silver is the New Green
When I saw the phrase “Silver is the new green” in this week’s article I knew I had to share the article with you. “Aging is”, as the article says, “an opportunity”, and “the changing landscape offers significant rewards for those with the foresight to adapt.” Part of that adaptation
Identifying Retirement Income Gaps
Commentary: This week’s article provides a budgeting exercise “to identify potential income shortfalls” so that you can think about what options you have to cover life’s unexpected expenses. Call us after you have taken a look so that we can discuss some choices you may have. We’re always here to
Game Ready
Commentary: “Just like many big life moments such as getting married, or expanding your family, you need a plan and check-ups along the way. Retirement is no different. Your financial health can use a check-up on the road to retirement. With the right tools and proper planning, you can be
Family Ready
Commentary: Many think of a fixed indexed annuity only as it relates to themselves and as a way to obtain an income they can’t outlive in our retirement; but this week’s article tells us to be “Family Ready to celebrate all life can offer, with those who matter most. A
How do I compare to my colleagues?
Often, when we see statistics of what others are doing, we try to distinguish ourselves by saying ‘They’re different from me’. Interestingly, that may be the case when comparing retirement-readiness. This week’s article tells us “Understanding and comparing retirement-readiness scores of America’s workforce, industry by industry, shows there are important
A Very Long Time
“One of the biggest challenges in retirement is building a reliable stream of monthly income to support you for what could be a very long time. While retirees have long relied on bonds for this purpose, a retirement income expert recently told MONEY that there’s a better solution: income annuities.”
Master of Retirement
This week I thought you might want to “become more educated when it comes to retirement planning, especially as one in five Americans have absolutely nothing saved for their golden years. Enhancing your retirement confidence can include reading up on tips to boost your savings or testing your knowledge with
Population Aging
Did you know that changes in the distribution of age in the US population over the past years has accounted for about one-fifth of the increase in the expenditures for services versus goods? This week’s article is interesting because it tells us that “the rising percentage of the population over
Want to Accumulate?
Did you know that if you need “insurance for as long as you live and want to accumulate savings a universal policy” might be something you want to consider as a choice. Sometimes people “take a shortcut (such as simply buying a multiple of annual income).” Call us if you
Retirement Calculators
Are you on track for where you need to be for retirement? This week I thought to share with you several calculators. “These customizable calculators will allow you to run different scenarios and discover how small adjustments could make a big difference for your retirement future.” Call us after you