Transform your Stress
This week’s article tells us that “Financial stress is the number one source of stress for employees, according to a Price Waterhouse Coopers 2019 survey. Financial matters outrank any other source of stress combined, including health and relationships. Retirement can be a key driver in that stress with nine out
“It’s No Myth, Lack of Diversity Puts Retirement At Risk.”
This week’s article tells us “to diversify, products like a fixed indexed annuity can offer balance, growth potential with principal protection, and a steady income stream during retirement.” Don’t let misconceptions derail your best solution for balance and security. Did you know that “Not every retirement account can guarantee a
The Crisis
I read an article the other day that, while written a few years back, seemed to resonate even more today. The author wrote “More dangerous yet is the shift in focus away from retirement income to return on investment that has come with the introduction of saver-managed [retirement] plans: Investment
Boost your Financial Education
It’s back to school month, and regardless “if your household doesn’t include school-age children, you can still take September as a time to reevaluate your personal development and consider areas for growth in the future. For instance, a financial health checkup is a good way to discover ways to improve
I came across an article from the past that caught my eye. It tells us that “Entering retirement can be a particularly jarring experience for seniors, and not only because they’re leaving behind the familiar world of work. For the change also requires a shift in one’s financial orientation —
Transform Stress into Confidence
This week’s article reports that “Financial matters outrank any other source of stress combined, including health and relationships.” Not surprising when so much in our lives depend on how much money we make, how much we’ve saved, and how much we will have in retirement. The author goes on to
This week’s article states “Second-quarter market volatility is making Americans increasingly worried about their finances and retirement savings, with only 31% in a new survey saying they were comfortable with market conditions and ready to invest, down two percentage points from the previous quarter and four points from last year’s
Counterintuitive Thought
“Here’s a counterintuitive thought:” Healthy consumers “are likely to have higher medical costs in retirement than their less-healthy counterparts.” This means that income in retirement may be needed in order to pay those expenses, and it is also why healthy people “need to save more for retirement.” Call us if
Were you Aware?
This week’s article relates back to June being Annuity Awareness Month, and lists five things that pre-retirees should know about annuities. The first point the article references is that Fixed Index Annuities can provide stability. “With an FIA, your principal is safe from market swings that threaten other retirement products.
Is your Back to the Wall?
We already know that reports were issued a few years back telling us that the U.S. recession took its toll on seniors, and that “America’s senior citizens have their backs to the wall” especially when they confront health care costs and the threat of financial ruin if they do not
Check-up on the Way
“You don’t leave your physical health to chance so why risk your retirement health?” I thought you might be interested in the financial health checklist in this week’s article because it mentions how “like many big life moments such as getting married, or expanding your family, you need a plan
Annuities: Why You Need To Know How They Work
“You need to know how they work, because many financial planners recommend them to their clients for retirement planning purposes. In fact, one study shows that almost 90% of planners recommend them.” Why are they doing that? “…because the stock market has become a part of our daily conversation –
Explore Diversified Options
This week’s article tells us “Diversifying your portfolio means balancing risk and growth. One option you might consider when forming your plan is fixed indexed annuities (FIAs). Designed for the long term, FIAs offer a guaranteed minimum rate of return and tax-deferred growth over time. And because they are insurance
In the News
It is important to understand certain products being discussed in the news as it relates to proposed changes with your qualified 401K funds. The changes are being reported as coming about due to the great numbers of retirees who are outliving their savings. That is one of the reasons why
Retire Your Risk
Will your monthly income plan provide you with the money you need? “Retiring comfortably is a goal shared by most. Annuities can provide guaranteed income every month with growth potential.” This week we thought to share with you a quick quiz that may help you find out if annuities are
Can Your Kids Ruin Your Retirement?
This week’s article illustrates what the author calls “one of the biggest threats to your retirement – – your kids.” He tells us that the percentage of 25 to 35 year olds living at home is ”almost double the share of today’s older retirees who were in the same situation
Retirement Challenges for Those in Physically Demanding Jobs
Commentary: I read about a study I thought might interest you. “This report examines the retirement readiness of people who are in physically demanding jobs. Due to the strenuous nature of their work, these workers are at risk of aging out of their occupation before they are financially or mentally
The Role of Confidence
This week’s article discusses how owning a certain financial product can influence on an emotional level the confidence that retirees feel. Researchers interviewed “income annuity owners to provide insight into the emotional impact of guaranteed income. They found that annuity owners have a greater level of confidence, feel the freedom
Grumps and Complainers
This week’s article out of London begins by telling us that in that city, known for “grumps and complainers”, a new study reveals that retirees with a guaranteed lifetime income stream can find true happiness.” This study related to Britain’s first-ever national happiness survey, but seems to convey a universal
What is your RISE Score?
Did you know that there is a Retirement Income Security Evaluation Score (RISE Score™) much like a credit score on a zero to 850 scale, but for your retirement. “The purpose is to provide you with an estimated measure of income security to help you determine whether you’re on track
Sometimes hindsight can provide a valuable lesson. While retirement is highly personal, I thought you might find it interesting to read the result of a study that looked back on what the financial preparations for retirement looked like. The study showed that among retirees who saved for retirement, the median