We'll Help You
Keep It Simple
Simple Retirement Plan
Because of all the options available, a simple retirement plan might feel out of reach. Of course, retirees do have lots of choice to make. First, where will your money be? For instance, perhaps your money is in an IRA or a 401(k) but you aren’t really sure what it is invested in. Maybe you’re wondering if your money should stay in those accounts or if you should move them. Additionally, you might wonder which kinds of investment vehicles or insurance products might give you the best outcome in the long-term. With all these choices, we believe it is important to get clarity. A simple retirement plan is possible.
We Keep Things
As Simple As Possible
We Believe
simplicity is key
As retirement nears, it seems that things get more complex. When you are still working full-time, your retirement accounts may have been invested in stocks, mutual funds, or other investments. Obviously, these investments carry risk. So, as retirement comes into view, many people look for ways to secure their savings. You may not want to have the risk of the market impacting your retirement any longer. Of course, you need an income in retirement as well. The most important thing you can do for retirement success is to fully understand where your money is, and how your retirement works. A simple retirement plan is one that you understand, can easily implement, and helps you attain your goals.
Fixed index annuities (FIAs) and certain types of life insurance such as indexed universal life (IUL) may have the security of principal you want. In addition, an FIA can provide an income that cannot be outlived, no matter what happens in the markets. Also, you may be able to have your income increase over time through an optional income rider on your FIA. Last, but not least, and FIA may offer a reasonable rate of return over the long-term. With potentially just 1 or two products, you can protect your principal, and have a reasonable rate of return over time. Now, that is keeping things simple.
Help For
Making Things Simple
If you'd like to learn about simplifying your retirement plan and protection your money, contact us. Cornerstone Wealth & Tax Advisory is here for you. We do not charge for our educational seminars or webinars. Also, we offer no cost one-on-one appointments after you've watched or attended one of our complimentary workshops. Let us help you make things simple.
Zero Hassle Retirement
We can show you how.
Simple Retirement Plan - Explained
Once you are getting ready to retire, you might take a look at your retirement accounts. Of course, your future depends on making sure your retirement plan is ready so this is an important step. However, if you’re like many retirees, you may feel overwhelmed by this. Often, people aren’t sure how to read their statements or don’t really understand where and how their money is invested. You may also have concerns about what might happen to your retirement if the market goes down. We believe that a straightforward plan, with safety at its core, is a good path to alleviate these concerns.
Once you are getting ready to retire, you might take a look at your retirement accounts. Of course, your future depends on making sure your retirement plan is ready so this is an important step. However, if you’re like many retirees, you may feel overwhelmed by this. Often, people aren’t sure how to read their statements or don’t really understand where and how their money is invested. You may also have concerns about what might happen to your retirement if the market goes down. We believe that a straightforward plan, with safety at its core, is a good path to alleviate these concerns.
You Are In Control Of
your retirement
Keeping Your Plan Simple
Cornerstone Wealth & Tax Advisory wants you to fully understand all your retirement options. The financial world can be complicated. But, your retirement does not have to be. Unclear about how your current retirement works? Want to find out ways to make things a little easier to manage? We provide clients with the education and information they need to make the best retirement decisions they can for themselves. At the end of the day, a simple retirement plan is one that you understand, and feel good about.
During our annual reviews with clients, we discuss your account. We talk about any changes in your life or with your money. In addition, we can work together on a plan for protecting your assets for the long term. Keeping it clear, simple, and straightforward. Indeed, those are principles we strive to embody.
Part of our effort to keep things simple is to provide complimentary workshops. We offer dinner seminars as well as online webinar events to help you learn about retirement options for safety and reasonable rates of return. Learn more by registering for an upcoming event today! We look forward to the opportunity to serve you and help you secure your future.